
Fear Of Death Analysis

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Some people see death as something horrible that shouldn’t be brought up, others see death as the final chapter in our lives, and is something we must all face. However we all know without a doubt that we will all taste death, whether it’s today, tomorrow or next year. The author Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in her essay, “On The Fear Of Death” talks about the great toll death has on our lives, and how medicine has helped play a role in decreasing the amount of deaths. She does a great job of giving us detailed image of how people see death in our modern day society, verses how people saw death back in the old days. In this narrative essay I will elaborate on the fear of death, how it affects the people around us, and last but the least the aftermath of death. …show more content…

There were many times where the author would hint at the idea that people fear death simply because it’s inevitable. In other words death doesn’t discriminate, it doesn’t care if you’re the richest person or the poorest person; everyone will have to face death at the end of the day. As a result, we don’t get to choose when we want to die, how we want to die, or where we want to die. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, in her essay, “On The Fear Of Death” talks about death and how much men fear it “We are impressed that death has always been distasteful to man and will probably always be.” (221) Now one may think that death is something one shouldn’t be afraid of, however when death is constantly happening all around you, then you have no choice but to accept it. On the other hand, some people see death as something one shouldn’t be afraid of, but rather something you should accept and

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