Fed Up Documentary Analysis

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The food documentary “Fed Up” is a film which focuses on a multitude of factors from the individual, to society itself, in how chronic diseases related to unhealthy eating habits are formed and enforced. They interviewed families with obese children to provide anecdotal examples of average Americans who struggle to help their children lose weight. The film also focuses on sugar addiction, the dangers of junk food, how advertisement manipulates the consumer, and how major food companies influence public policy. In short, this film attacks the narrative that obesity is the fault of the individual. Rather, they demonstrate how exposure to the above factors make it nearly impossible for children and adults to lose weight and live healthy lives. They discuss ways to navigate a society threaded with false narratives regarding food, and how individuals should design their diet and exercise plans to battle a world filled with cheap, addictive foods. There are a lot of things that I enjoyed about this film. As a science major, I loved that the film focused on the science behind sugar. …show more content…

Rather than discussing alternatives to dangerous diets, doctors featured in the film focused mainly on what not to eat. However, it was mentioned on many occasions that the key to a healthy lifestyle is eating unprocessed foods. Doctors stated that children featured in the film must eliminate processed foods and increase their consumption of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats if they want to lose weight. Another protective factor mentioned was the importance of self-awareness. In order to avoid dangerous weight gain, consumers must understand what foods compose their diet, how those foods influence their brains and bodies, and what proper alternatives are available. Additionally, consumers should learn more about how to read food labels so that companies can no longer manipulate them with misleading labels or