Federal Budget Vs Preamble

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The Preamble and the Federal Budget: Are We Slicing the Pie Correctly? The United States of America is a country with many goals for its citizens, and for its economy. The big goals are stated in the preamble of the Constitution, which was written by the founders of this country. The goals stated in the Preamble are establishing justice, ensuring domestic tranquility, providing for the common defense, promoting the general welfare, and securing the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity. The government adjusts the federal budget proposed by the president based on these goals in order to ensure that the U.S is a more perfect union. But, in order to fully meet the goals made by the founders of the United states, we have to make changes to the federal budget. First, we have to take 2% out of medicare and medicaid ($), and put it towards defense. Second, we have to take 0.05% ($) out of veterans benefits and services and put it towards education. Lastly, we have to take 0.02% ($) out of natural resources and environment and put it …show more content…

In order to fully meet the goal of providing for the common defense, we have to make sure that the country is protected by a military that is able to defend our country in the age of computer and robotic warfare. It is important for the military not just to have weapons that can be used today, but we need personnel who know how to operate these weapons. They require training and ongoing support which is expensive, but less costly in lives than the way wars have been fought. We have to take 2% out of medicare and medicaid because medicare and medicaid focuses solely on the poor and elderly while as defense protects everyone in the country. With better management of the programs and the money used for medicare and medicaid, this cut in their budget may not have a serious impact on the services