Feedlots In The Beef Industry

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The Beef Industry Beef, it's what's for dinner! The beef you eat for dinner comes from; how your food is raised, or who raises the beef? The beef industry is not controlled by the farmers, ranchers, or even the cattle! Industries such as the beef industry are controlled by the consumers who buy the product, who then, in a way, give cattlemen their paychecks. Farmers adapt to the wants and needs of consumers across the globe. Some consumers want a more healthy product that is more naturally raised than cattle raised in a feedlot. However, there are benefits to both arguments, of which a consumer should want to please their needs, health benefits, as well as their budget. While grass-fed may seem to appear healthier and happier than feedlot cattle, this statement is not always the truth. According to “Omnivore’s Dilemma” it says “teeming and filthy and stinky, with open sewers, unpaved roads, and choking air, only antibiotics were keeping plagues at bay.(Kunzig, Robert. "Carnivore's Dilemma” page 1) Feedlots are said to be cruel and crowded but in the “Carnivore’s Dilemma ”it says, “feedlots consensus from media is comparing feedlots with 14th century cruel, disgusting, hellholes. However, this is a common misconception of feedlots. Feedlots serve grain which is like cake and ice cream to cattle." How could …show more content…

Although they are given boosters to make them weigh more, it is not hurting you! Really, it is helping consumers be able to purchase larger quantities, as well as buying them cheaper. According to “Carnivore’s Dilemma,” a full truckload of beef cattle will make about 60,000 meals! Broken down even more, this statistic equals out to be one beef steer can make about 1,800 meals. This statistic shows how much beef we really eat as a whole. GRass-fed cattle cannot yield enough final meat as a whole, to be a prime choice for the primary beef