Feminism Definition Essay

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I define feminism as equality between a man and a woman. I believe that a woman should be viewed and respected the same way a man is. In other words, there should not be a label of a woman’s or man’s job. There should not be a generic label that cooking and cleaning is a woman’s job while earning money is typically a man’s job. A woman should be able to earn just like a man does, while a man can cook and clean just like a woman is supposed to. I say that feminism is equality for both genders because why is it that a man is typically given more respect to instead of a woman. They both are human beings so who has the right to say that a woman does not have much value compared to a man. Women should not be belittled so to speak just because they …show more content…

We both believe that in general a woman should be equal to a man and there is no need for those labels where a man is typically known to do one thing and a woman only does the other things. In Adichie's TEDtalk, she brings up a lot of different but very valid points that are things and sayings that people use to describe females. She brings up issues such as marriage and a man and woman being successful and ambitious and how these topics affect the way a woman is perceived. For example, she says that “when a woman is not married by a certain age, then people assume that there must be something wrong with the woman; however, if a man is not married then they brush it off as he is still looking.” I agree with Adichie’s negative response to this comment because why must a woman have to be married at a certain age. Additionally, why is it that if a man is not married then the topic can simply be brushed off, but not for a woman who ends up being criticized even more. The biggest argument that Adichie’s brought up was how a woman’s success or ambitious frightens a man. I agree with Adichie because why is it that people are not frightened when a man is successful or ambitious then what is so scary about a woman being so as well. Overall, Adichie and I have the same understanding of