Hillary Clinton Gender Roles Essay

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Gender roles play a tremendous role in our lives. Our generation does not know the real meanings of gender equality and feminism. Feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. Kids are taught that feminist are women who have failed in life and have nothing better to do but complain about life. I believe that if we had more women in office such as president or in congress we can have a huge impact on everyone’s views of feminism. We need people to understand that not all feminist are like Cassidy Boon, who is suing a man that saved her from drowning but are people who are fighting for equality to men. A strong candidate for the first woman president is Hillary Clinton, who is an …show more content…

He believes that both sexes are equal but feel that it is an injustice in the corporate world when men and women are not paid equally. Feminism to him are woman who sometimes take it to the next spectrum and at some points is very unnecessary. I disagree because you cannot just stereotype a group, it is like assuming that every black person is a criminal. Women are sexually harassed and are then put down for speaking up and are not allowed to have a proper education. He does speak highly of one feminist Hillary Clinton. I asked if he would still vote for Clinton even though she is a feminist, he states, “Hillary is a very intelligent, strong woman who has strong opinions on education, religion and politics and does not suffer ‘fools” gladly”. I then went to my mom and she has the same views as my father but did not know that Hillary was a feminist. They both believe that it contradicts with our religion, seeing as how some women believe that God is a woman but we believe that God is a spiritual being and does not have a gender. Unlike my parents I agree with many feminists and I do believe that we have come far in gender equality but we still have a long way to go. It has come to the point that women who are not feminist are offended when people discriminate against them because of their job choices. Feminists should not be considered women who never had good

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