Feminism In College Essay

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Several factors have helped to finally emerge the history of women in college. The arrival of researchers slowly facilitated to convey the history of women as a field of study. Sociology has recognized in the writings of feminist scholars on the place of women in the areas of family or work. Feminism considers the tradition established gender-based inequalities and works to build new social relationships and develops tools to women's rights and the defense of their gains. It is also a political movement that advocates genuine equality between men and women in their life. In the wide sense, feminism includes all arguments denouncing inequalities against women and sets out the terms of the transformation of these conditions. It includes theoretical …show more content…

Feminism is viewed as a militant movement for the improvement and extending the role and rights of women in society. The relations between social movements and research are at the heart of feminism concept. The women felt the need to defend their rights in a gender perspective, not identity with men, but also to rename, and it what was necessarily questioning of established science. The modern black feminism emerged concurrently with the social movements and African -American was being active …show more content…

The type of production mechanisms is different constructions of race and class, for which it is important to pay attention to varieties of problems and processes of gender constructions facing racialized women. According to Adams and Sydie (568) mentioned that “ Collins points out that the primary sociological models of social class- status attainment and the conflict model- do not adequately explain black social relations, especially black women’s social class relations and

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