Can There Be A Feminist Essay

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Can a man be a Feminist ? If you ask a group of people what they think feminism is, you may get a few different reactions. Some people believe it’s the idea that women are superior to men. Others see it as the way life should be. According to Eastern Kentucky University “Feminism is a multi-disciplinary approach to sex and gender equality understood through social theories and political activism.” Notice that word right there, “equality.” Equality is not only an issue in America , but in other countries as well. Many people will claim to be a Feminist but bring an unacceptable name to the idea while others stay away from the movement due to a lack of knowledge on the subject. In reality , anyone can be a feminist , regardless of sex or gender because feminism is about equality, not superiority. Here are some of the feminist values broken down: to respect the human dignity of all individuals, to provide quality healthcare and community education regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic or immigration status, as well as teach the youth that men and women are equals, despite their differences (Feminist Center). Nothing about feminism states that Men can not support feminism, nor be a part of it. Feminism is a cause that …show more content…

Surely there must be something about it that men or even women just don’t get about Feminism?One of the biggest misconceptions on feminism is that it is anti-men, but we already established that one as false. Another misconception is that feminism isn’t necessary because there is already equality among both sexes. Unfortunately , this isn’t true. As sad as it is, the wage gap between men and women is very real and while it has been decreasing slowly, is still significant. While it’s different in every state , women , on average, make about 79 cent for every dollar a man makes and its even less if they are a woman of color (Hill