Fennec Fox Research Paper

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Fennec Fox Fossil record or genetic record of the Fennec Fox is currently unknown, but there have been times where scientists believed that this species were classified in a different genus called Fennecus. Scientists have found many similarities and differences in this species compared to other true foxes. Shared traits of this species include being omnivorous, male foxes marking their territory and compete for mates during mating season, and they are predators in their environment. There are also many differences, especially their distinctive bat-like ears which radiate body heat and keep them cool in their desert environment. The ears also are used to detect invertbrates underground. Fennec foxes are the world’s smallest fox and also smallest of the candid family, only growing up to 9-16 inches and …show more content…

It is said that the foxes were able to cross onto the southern islands since in the past the channel between the islands narrowed down to only five miles across. The oldest fossil is about 6,000 years old. Like most foxes, Island foxes are usually solitary animals, omnivorous, and mark their territory. Island foxes are the smallest fox species in North America. Adults grow up to 12-13 inches in height. It can weigh up to 4-5 lbs., which is about the size of a housecat. Unlike their ancestors who are nocturnal, Island foxes prefer to be active during daylight, especially during dusk and dawn. They are shorter in comparison to the gray fox, but their tails being short overall. Island foxes inhabit the semi-arid Channel Islands of California. Though most of those islands have been modified to suit human living, these foxes prefer to remain in the shrubby, woodland area of the island. Their role in the environment is predator. By this, they reduce the number of insects, native fruits, deer mice, birds, and

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