Problem/Need: The FFA camp for our FFA district has been hosted for many years. Every year FFA students from our FFA district attend this camp. Its purpose is to help students establish leadership qualities and allows them to interact with new people. They have recently contacted FFA advisors from the district asking for donations for a new charcoal grill. The one they previously had has been used so much it has rusted severely and has got to point where it is unusable. They use this grill to cook for the members that attend the camp each year. Without it they are not able to cook all of their food items for the campers.
A new grill is needed at the FFA camp, but they need one at a low cost. Therefore, I am proposing to construct a
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One being cost. The price of steel is high and cost is a major issue. The overall total for the project was going to be around five hundred dollars. Hosting a fundraiser was considered to raise the money for the materials. Instead, I consulted my FFA advisor, Mr. Hackman, to discuss the cost issue. We discussed the project and took into consideration the overall expense of the material: steel, paint, and welding supplies. Since the project was being donated to the FFA camp for our chapter, Mr. Hackman decided to fund me through our FFA chapter.. Another problem with this project is the design. The grill needs to be sturdy and be able to withstand high temperatures. Therefore, the material of which the grill would be constructed with had to be considered. Stainless steel would have been the best option; as it would hold up to high temperature and would never rust, however stainless steel is very costly. Thus leading me to my next problem. An alternative to stainless steel had to decided. Aluminum would have never rusted; however aluminum is not sturdy and could not withstand the high temperatures of which the grill would undergo. Hot rolled steel was the answer to this problem. It can withstand high temperatures and is very sturdy, however steel will rust. That is what happened to the grill they currently have. The solution to this problem is to paint the steel with high heat paint which will also withstand the high temperatures of