Field Activity Journal Analysis

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Field Activity Journal Ms. Kayla’s has a very structured schedule for her typical and atypical students. The majority of her students have autism, for them structure and schedule can have big impact in their attitudes and behavior thought the day. Therefor it’s important for Ms. Kayla to always follow the same schedule in order for her students to stay focused and happy. Structure is a strategy Ms. Kayla uses to motivate her students to want to learn. Every time her students walk into the classroom they know their class routine and there are no new surprises. Having a class routine in her classroom helps a lot with class management and staying organized thought the day. If it wasn’t for structure in her classroom. If it wasn’t for routines and schedule I believe it would make it hard for the students to follow direction and try new activities. Enhancing class participation as well as making it interesting for the students is another …show more content…

The little girl screamed, yelled, and hit the assistant, so she was put in the rest area to cool down. In there they let students relax and calm their self’s down until they are done and ready to move on. When the girl was done she was allowed back with the rest of the students. Observing this behavior management really taught me how to manage it and I saw how much it really helped the girl being alone in there, to get herself back and relaxed her body. Other ways they manage behavior is with resting where they go and sit in a red chair and are blocked out.” Resting” is used when students are not making good choices, first they are given the option to either make a good choice or go to the red chair. Another behavior management I observed is called “crash”. For this technique there’s a big bean bag, where children are given 10 turn to “crash” their bodies in to the bean bag.
*techniques for transition during schedule and un schedules