Field Experience In Education

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• Be equally prepared in both of your two content areas. It is important that you understand that each experience is invaluable to your personal and professional development and growth as a future teacher. Over the course of fall and spring semesters you will have a field experience in each of your two content areas. At the end of spring semester, you will be asked to declare your primary and secondary area which may change based on these two experiences;
• Read the Dress Code and Professional Behavior Expectations documents by reading the SCOE Dress Code for Field Experience Placement, Horry County Schools Dress Guidelines and Standards of Conduct for South Carolina Educators on Moodle. Decide and select appropriate professional attire and …show more content…

Do not initially go to the school to meet with your cooperating teacher without making prior arrangements and making a mutually agreed upon meeting time. Do not begin your field experience until you have had an initial meeting with your Cooperating Teacher. You must begin your placement within one week of receiving your …show more content…

All completed, signed, and approved timesheets must be submitted to the EDML 425 instructor by specified due date);
• If additional time is needed prior or after your assigned schedule time you must receive prior approval from Dr. Savage-Davis in order to receive time credit for the experience (additional time cannot include Teacher Planning, Discovery, Exploratory, or Lunch