
Field Placement With A Student Teacher At Toledo University

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This semester I was able to spend time during field placement with a student teacher from Toledo University. I was able to watch her and talk to her about what works best for teaching and she was able to give pointers on how to sharpen my skills for student teaching. She told me that she has to reteach herself the topics that she will teach. Her reason for this is above all reasons is she wants to know what she is talking about during each new topic. For this reason, I would desire the same as her, I believe it is important to prepare for what content you lack to fully understand. As a future teacher, I believe that it is important for students to have fun while learning. It is important to budget time for fun activities that are also learning …show more content…

In my opinion teaching student about social studies will inform and prepare students to be participating citizens in society. As teachers, we must incorporate this way of learning into our classroom “Fosters students’ ability to act responsibly and become successful problem solvers in an interdependent world of limited resources.” (Ohio Department of Education, 2010, p.4) We must inform our students that they are the next adults in our society and they should be preparing to be future participating citizens. There is another quote that I like is “The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people develop the ability to compose informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.” (What is Social Studies?, Pg. 1) We are working together as a society in order to improve our world, we manufacture work with one another to buy and sell products. If we didn’t have a stable society, we would fight only for ourselves. But, since we have interdependence between other powers in the world we must continue to sharpen our society. Openly it is important to incorporate current events into teaching social studies. This quote is relevant to my opinion, “Melissa often taught current events, one example being the use of a candidate calculator she found on the Internet to view debatable issues.” (Patterson, Pg. 199) Therefore, I believe that reading and discussing current events will help students to be interested in their work. Most students are more interested in topics that are relevant or pertain to them, consequently we must discuss about topics that may be uncomfortable for us as teachers. Nevertheless, we must discuss exciting topics, along with horrific

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