Figurative Language In The Battle Royale

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Battle Royale

Battle Royale is a short story about the life of young African American boy with outstanding academic capabilities that saw him excel in his studies in harsh colonial times. The story brings to the fore the significance of power and wealth in the society and the advantage that those with wealth and power possess over those that lack the same. From the story, it is evident that the wealthy and powerful White men had the power control the fate of the Black people in the society and did what they pleased to them even orchestrating a fight among the black men just for the sake of entertainment. Their wealth allowed them to demand savage fighting among the blacks and the one young man in the story was only able to access his scholarship …show more content…

The context of the story depicts how the Black people in society, despite their intellectual ability, are disadvantaged in society and life in general and their fate depends upon the wishes of other people in order for them to gain an opportunity to succeed and not based on merit.
The point of the Battle Royale story is an awakening to the black people just like the last words of the grandfather that stuck with the young man as he grew up. The point is that the fate of black community should not be dependent upon the wishes of white people in the society. The black people should make the voice be heard and object to any form of oppression and make their voice be heard.
The Battle Royale story ought to resonate in the hearts of all those disadvantaged in society. Power and wealth are and should not be the only determining factors in the direction of any society. However, the power of free will and social equality should be at the fore front of all discussions which seek to ensure that the society progresses in a uniform manner. All those in a disadvantaged position should seek to leverage their intellect and exercise their free will to ensure they make a difference in society and not conform to what the society has to