
Figurative Language In The Odyssey

316 Words2 Pages
In Book IX, lines 291-331 of The Odyssey, Homer's use of imagery, word choice, and figurative language. Is used to create Odysseus as the epic hero, which furthers the understanding of Odysseus’ true traits. In this passage the Cyclops who is the son of Poseidon shows hospitality to Odysseus and the other men at first, but soon devour two of Odysseus's men on the spot, and imprisons Odysseus/ putting him on the spot and causing him to make decisions very quickly. Throughout the whole epic poem and this passage as well imagery is used the most to create meaning. In lines 316-320 Homer says “Then he dismembered them and made his meal, gaping and crunching like a mountain lion, everything innards, flesh and marrow bones. We cried out aloud, lifting
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