
Figurative Language In The Pedestrian By Ray Bradbury

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Figurative language is a key product while reading a short story. Not only is it a helpful tool for the reader's comprehension it is also a way for the reader to be given information about the text. In the short story “The pedestrian” By Ray Bradbury, there are many times a piece of figurative language has been used.Figurative language helps to let the reader know what is occurring in the book Leonard Mead the main character in this short story, travels late at night. Leonard mead discovers that while traveling through his town late at night there is no action or interaction between the citizens in the town. Although the short story helped to connect the pieces of information together using literary devices, a specific device can help make the connections from the reading more enjoyable. One type of figurative language that can help make the reading more enjoyable would be a simile. …show more content…

In the first place, From the short story “The pedestrian” By Ray Bradbury a simile was shown when Mr.Mead came to an empty highway intersection, “But now these highways, too, were like streams in a dry season.”(Bradbury). This simile shows that the highway intersection is very empty, comparing it to a dry stream. The simile in the text represents how two completely opposite things can compare to the same meaning. This simile in this sentence brings a descriptive scenery, letting the reader use imagination to produce the meaning of the text. A simile is a way for the reader to make a visual connection making it more congenial for the reader by creating a way for them to get involved in the story. A simile shows how the reader is able to make the text more enjoyable by putting in thoughts and imagination adding content to the

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