
Final Essay

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Since 2009, Tesla has sold the third most electric vehicles in Japan. With a market industry share of 12% global sales, annual sales of EVs in Japan falls just behind Europe, the United States, and China. Between July and April of 2016, electric vehicle sales in Japan were 150,142 units, representing 10% of global sales for the same period. Japan’s government now promotes a new form of energy called hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, which could be detrimental to the country’s global market share of electric vehicles (Cobb). Toyota’s Vice Chairman, Takeshi Uchiyamada comments that, “The current capabilities of electric vehicles do not meet society’s needs, whether it may be the distance the cars can run, or the costs, or how it takes a long time to charge” (Kubota). Japan’s current goal is to have hydrogen fuel cells in 5.3 million Japanese households (10%) by the year 2030. The growth rate for Japanese plug-in electric vehicles slowed down in 2014 and 2015, resulting in the loss of annual sales in the country (Kane). Economically, …show more content…

The timing could not be better for Japan and Tesla to partner up and fix these economical deficits. “With executives of Japan’s biggest companies predicting deteriorating growth and more deflation this year, Abe can evoke the partnership to get his economic program back on track,” according to JapanTimes, economically, as well as politically. Abe Can use this partnership to combat predicted future deteriorating growth and deflation. Demand for these types of battery packs in Japan is expected to soar as batteries replace the current demand for fossil fuels in all forms of transportation and as far buildings

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