Final Essay

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The advent of the automobile is one of those moments in history we can refer to as a defining moment, although it was slow process, products and people that were previously being transported by horses were slowly being replaced by automobiles. This means that only the wealthy could afford cars and the middle class could only look on and dream that one day they would drive a car, enter Henry Ford.
Henry Ford the founder of Ford Motor Company and sponsor of the assembly line technique of mass production, this technique of mass production is a great example of how technology changed the car industry and pushed its boundaries. Mass production technique made it possible for the middle class to purchase cars that they could not previously obtain.
Called Fordism, It has been described as "a model of economic expansion and technological progress based on mass production: the manufacture of standardized products in huge volumes using special purpose machinery and unskilled labor". St. Martin’s Press (New York: 1987) pp. 1-2.

With the fast paced …show more content…

Over many years society has learnt how to drive cars and have mastered the technique of driving, so what is this new breakthrough? Self-driving cars, yes we will no longer needs to control our vehicle it will control us.
SOUTHFIELD, Mich. (2014) noted that Self-driving cars (SDC) that include driver control are expected to hit highways around the globe before 2025 and self-driving “only” cars are anticipated around 2030. According to the study, “Emerging Technologies: Autonomous Cars—Not If, But When,” the forecasts for the total worldwide sales of self-driving cars will grow from nearly 230 thousand in 2025 to 11.8M in 2035. The long-term opportunities are very large as nearly all autos in use are likely to become self-driving commercial vehicles after