
Henry Ford Middle Class

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Automobiles are an essential part of people's lives now with the majority of people having their own personal automobile. Henry Ford is one of the reasons why automobiles are so common in today's age with his vehicles being the first to be accessible to the average person in America. If it wasn't for Henry Ford, automobiles might've taken many more years to be mass-produced for the general public which would cause a huge difference in the automobiles we have today. With his rise to owning the best-selling car company of his time, Henry Ford manufactured prominent automobiles and became a huge influence on the automobile industry. Henry Ford's rise to becoming owning the best-selling automobile car company of his time is the biggest success …show more content…

Ford would leave this company and continue experimenting with his ideas of a car for the average person. After Ford collected enough investors he founded the Ford Motor Company, which is where his dream would begin. According to the text, “He found a more like-minded partner in Alexander Y. Malcomson, a successful Detroit coal dealer, and once again was made a principal in a company in which he had invested not a cent of his own money. On June 16, 1903, the Ford Motor Company was formally incorporated” (“Ford, Henry” 83). Ford knew that this company would be the one that he had envisioned. As the American economy continued to expand the middle class’s desire to spend more grew, and Ford would use this to his advantage to make enough money to create the perfect car for the public. As the Ford Motor Company created more car models their knowledge of cars and marketing grew and as the company grew Ford’s contribution to the company also grew. Ford believed that the people who worked for a company should be the ones making money off of its success so when Ford had to pay investors for essentially doing nothing he wasn’t very happy to pay …show more content…

One of Henry Ford’s most important inventions was the assembly line. The assembly line allowed car manufacturers to create cars at a much cheaper and faster rate than previous methods of production. Ford came up with the assembly line by taking inspiration from how other industries such as the meat industry mass produced their food. According to the text, “Ford combined the ways companies in the early twentieth century produced their product, which he came up with the assembly line, the most efficient production system in the world” (York 47). With the assembly line being the most efficient production system in the world, it gave a huge advantage to whoever was using it, which would be the Ford Motor Company. The assembly line used mass-produced car parts which would also be sold as interchangeable parts which was another innovation that changed the automobile industry. Ford also had a huge impact on America socially with his announcement of the five-dollar day which was when the Ford Motor Company announced that they would be paying all of their employees five dollars every day. Ford offering this much was a huge surprise as most Americans got paid half of that: “In 1914 he offered to pay his workers five dollars per day—more than twice the average daily salary paid by other companies” (“Ford,

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