
Final Essay

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Considering that Facebook reached 1 billion active mobile users and over a half of Google Plus users interested with a brand positively since 2014, social media now plays an essential role in this era. Thanks to the various functions of the social media, it is beneficial to the world for three favorable grounds which is to provide the propose and function of positive self-satisfaction, the latest news in society and diverse education, which can make the world better.

It is true that cyberbullying and security problems are still severe now in the world of social media which may violence users. It is recorded 70 serious cyberbullying complaints in 3 months to September 2016. And 73% respondents consider that these web-based threats will be harder to manage than e-mail based threats. The above potential dangerous assuredly exist in the social media. Notwithstanding the side effects, it can be eased by human effort, ranging from the government policy (education systems) to antivirus software. The advantages of social media’s contribution are undoubted and bring huger affirmative and irreplaceable influences rather than the solvable side effects.

Frankly, social media can help to be more joyful and satisfy from the feedback of …show more content…

Professor Karl Kapp mentioned that the social media provides diverse education and is able to create different and small pieces of learning materials, so as to distribute them to the world easily and quickly. Social media can provide diverse education to the public, for example people upload different kinds of the learning materials, music or even make-up tutorial videos. People, therefore, can receive such diverse information to have learning and know more about different things all around the globe so as to be more knowledgeable. People are not only just reading in the classroom, but

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