Final Essay

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“I am convinced that a good building must be capable of absorbing the traces of human life and taking on a specific richness...” Peter Zumthor

With time passed, I remember the hard work I put in when I studied architecture technology and the experience that I have in practice. I continue to praise my ability to design and detail a project to a good standard.
Sometimes I still wondering why I picked architecture has subject to study and practice. Architecture has been an overwhelming experience and never, to say the least, it has it owns dominion. It has a special physical relationship with life that no other subject can demonstrate.
Architecture as brought me so much gratification that I sometimes ask myself why I've spent 8 years in college studying this subject and simply can never give just one answer. But today my statement is that Architecture …show more content…

I can truly say that everyone has given their time and effort to giving me the basic understanding of the significance of Architecture and life. The topic has given me the chance to explore how material and technology can be used to improve the interaction of a human being both socially and personally, architect have been able to bring out the dichotomy of my personality, allowing me to engage freely in the practical aspect of design.

This year I was given a chance and was elected class representative. This role gave me the chance to speak out for my peers but also voice the concerns of the lecturer. I was able to voice the opinion of the class and school. Many of the concern that was raised seem constant through 5 years. To my surprise many issues that arise where very similar to ones that I had dealt with in technology. It is wonderful to see how the Architecture and technology department has grown in the last 8 years. The changes as help improve various areas in the