CBU Personal Statement

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When asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, my first ambition was to become an astronaut. The idea as lofty as the stars themselves was shot down by reality, and so I set my sights on the next best thing. Architecture is the amalgamation of my personal interests and strengths that fits snugly into a single career. The opportunity to pull from the fields of function and design is the reason I decided so early that studying architecture was my calling. California Baptist University (CBU) offers me the chance to study towards this whilst playing soccer at the peak of collegiate athletics in a new country.

Becoming an architect however is not a simple process, to be qualified in the majority of the developed world requires a 5 year period of intensive study before stepping out into the world of practice. The bachelor of architecture through the school’s College of Architecture, Visual Arts and Design is my prime reason for becoming a student at CBU. Academically the course sets me on the path to becoming an architect and the unique practice-based approach of the course at CBU appeals to me as a hands-on learner who will gain from this valuable experience. Additionally the close proximity between the architecture program and industry opportunities is something unique to the CBU experience and is something …show more content…

Ranking in the top 4% of my state’s cohort was no easy task however in a university environment I believe I have what it takes to achieve at even higher levels due to my effective study habits and passion to learn. The university environment also allows me to pursue soccer at an incredibly high standard, playing with a formidable team. Athletically this will afford me the opportunity to test myself against some of the country’s best athletes and the chance to immensely improve my skills and physical

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