Final Reflection Report

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After reading this week’s chapters, there were many highlights that I thought were important and interesting. The first highlight was from chapter 12. It is the components of a curriculum and what a curriculum looks like. I really enjoyed reading the first four components in chapter 12 and then the last four in chapter 13 and 14. I never knew that there were components of a curriculum, so I found this very interesting. I enjoyed reading what a curriculum should look like in an infant and toddler room. The second highlight from chapter 12, that I thought it was a highlight and important was how children learn through play and how to encourage play for children. I thought this reading was important about play because, I think children learn so much through play.
The third highlight from chapter 13 was about a quality environment for centers and child care homes. I found the floor plans in the book for infants and toddlers room, very helpful and it was interesting. It helped me see what should be in an infant and toddler classroom. Another highlight from chapter 13 was when the book talk about the cozy spaces and special places, I never knew that infants and toddler rooms had cozy spaces and special places. When I went to my observation I saw these things and I was glad that I read about them in the book. A highlight from chapter 14 was the behaviors infants and toddlers and reading about the three R’s respect, …show more content…

I struggled with some things and had some challenges, but I can say I really enjoyed taking this class. I really enjoyed learning about infants and toddlers. This class gave me a better understanding on infants and toddlers development of life. Each chapter, assignment, discussion, and observation assignments, have taught and helped me gain knowledge and a new and better perspective on infants and