Finding Fallacies In The Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx

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Writing and reading nonfiction essays can be difficult, especially when closely considering the claims. Though difficult, it is very important and by closely considering claim, many fallacies can be exposed. Finding fallacies in nonfiction essays is an author's worst nightmare as it devalues the message portrayed and disparages the reputation of the writer. Still, finding fallacies in essays is more common than not. Many times when one reads an essay without closely considering the claims, the arguments seem very convincing. Authors will use statistics and present logical ideas and their claims usual appeal to logos. However, if one actually takes time to close-read an essay and find fallacies, it is not likely for the reader to believe the …show more content…

This document, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, discusses the ideology of Communism and how it will affect the relationship between the proletariats and the bourgeois. The manifesto summarizes the theories of Marx and Engels about society and politics and the idea that the capitalist society will eventually become communist. They claim that "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles,” and that their policies will solve the problems of existing societies. (Part 1) With its appeal to logos and pathos, the manifesto seems very convincing, however, after closely considering the claims, the arguments gradually become more and more …show more content…

What if Muslims are terrorists and their charity is funding combat? The best source of information to find out what Muslims really believe is the Quran. In Surah Al-Tawba, God says, “Zakah (obligatory charity) expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler - an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.” (9:60) Even if there are Muslims who fund combat, it is not valid for such a powerful organization to say such bold and controversial claims about all Muslims. Not only are the agents being brainwashed, but the FBI is also deteriorating their own name and honor. Teaching others to fall into the beliefs of stereotypes will only make the FBI less credible, and as the law enforcement organization of the United States, it should be a priority to inform their agents of the most accurate information possible. This training is also enabling FBI agents to be more bias and attentive toward the actions of Muslims. Overall, discovering fallacies in such authoritative groups elucidates the flaws and inadequacy in modern