Finding The Secret Study Guide

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Finding the Secret Do you want to be a successful leader? I am sure at least once in everyone's life being a leader of some sort has been a goal. Throughout my time reading "The Secret" it has come to my knowledge that great leaders follow the SERVE model. We must understand where we as a team want to go in the future, continuously develop and engage others, reinvent continuously, value results as well as relationships, and every leader must embody the values their company has laid before them. I stand firm in belief that everyone has the ability to serve or lead others. See the future, the first step used to getting your team on your bus in the direction to success. You will want to ensure you envision and communicate a cogent plan of the …show more content…

Understanding progress is impossible without change is a start to this step. As a leader you must model the behavior he or she wants their team to emulate. Showing your team that you as a their boss is always willing to learn something new will eventually rub off on them. Ask your team their opinions and beliefs on how a process could be done in a more efficient way. This builds a desire for improvement within your team, which again gets your team members mind and heart involved rather than just their hands. I hope to bring my knowledge from this step to our team by ensuring that our team knows that not every organizational structure in our business is permanent. This will give team members the opportunity to share their opinions on how something could be done differently. Obviously, every opinion will not be adopted but it will bring more involvement in our team members, which will bring more desire to learn as a …show more content…

Gaining your teams trust will make your job as a whole so much easier. "People will not give you their hand until they see your heart"(John Maxwell). When talking with your team, practice being a great listener. When people begin to see you actually care about their personal goals they will begin to work hard to make you look better, You must invest your time for people, always leave room in your schedule for others. This is something others will pick up on extremely fast. You will realize people care little about how much you know if you show little care for them. When trying to make sure your team values results you must make them accountable. Showing a strong emphasis for the value in the results will make your team determined to obtain these goals. This goes back to the value in relationships, if you do not have trust from your team they will lack care to bring results. I aim to bring a servant-leader attitude every day to create stronger relationships with our team members. I also want to make a more transparent goal for our teams goals. With that being said I want to ensure our team knows why labor reduction is important, why productivity shows efficiency in our business, and how we can keep our business on the track to become the best mall in the