First Nations In Canada

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The source illustrates Canada, the home to many immigrants on native land. Canada is filled with diversity and known for its multicultural life. However, Canada used to be inhabited just by the First Nations people. The federal government of Canada have made treaty rights with the First Nations people to an encourage peaceful relationship. The author is expressing his ideology in the source by manipulating the lyrics of Canada’s national anthem. “Our home on native land” and by placing the Canadian flag upside down, suggests disrespect for Canada. The source expresses how First Nations want to pursue their national interests by restoring their relationship with the land. However, Canada has been ignoring and disrespecting the rights of First …show more content…

The federal government does not show respect when addressing the issues of First Nations. The reserves that First Nations are given are simply uninhabitable. Nearly 100 First Nation communities are under a boil-water advisory and Canada seems to take no action. Canada has 20% of the Earth 's drinking water, but nearly 100 First Nation communities do not have access to safe drinking water. Canada only tries to accommodate the issue by sending bottles of water to the communities, instead of fixing the water treatment plants that are already there. Giving reserves that provide a poor quality of life and not trying to resolve the root of the problem shows how the federal government does not give First Nations the land and respect they deserve. Canada is a developed country and has the funds to repair the water treatment plants, but they take the easy way out by sending bottles of water. These shipments of water do not last forever, but a water treatment plant does. Many aboriginal people are upset that they been under the boil water advisory for years and there is no action taken. The lack of action that the federal government has taken shows the lack of respect for the rights of First …show more content…

The Canadian government shows respect to issues of other nations, but not First Nations. During the Quebec referendum, Canadian Politician and chief of the Red Sucker Lake community Elijah Harper declined the Meech Lake Accord because Canada was addressing the issues of Quebec instead of First Nations. The accord was about Quebec becoming “distinct society”, this insulted Elijah Harper when First Nations have been trying to become a distinct society and get special treatment. First Nations have been trying to reclaim their land for decades, but the Canadian government pushed aside the issues of First Nations and put the needs of Quebec above theirs. This explains how the federal government does not acknowledge the issues of First Nations. If the Canadian government shows respect to the issues of Quebec but, does not even acknowledge the issues of First Nations. The Canadian should not have the respect from First Nations