‘The First World War was the result of a series of unintended consequences.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement?’ ‘The First World War was the result of a series of unintended consequences.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement?’ ‘The First World War was the result of a series of unintended consequences.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement?’ ‘The First World War was the result of a series of unintended consequences.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement?’ Although some of the factors to the launch of the first world war seemed to be unintended; the first world war was the result of a series of consequences provoked largely by Germany and its leaders at the time Kaiser Wilhelm II and Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg. To do so, they put in place …show more content…
One of them is when Bethmann-Hollweg answered the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum while the Kaiser was away cruising in Scandinavia. When the Kaiser came back he was furious and even though Bethmann-Hollweg proposed to step down, the Kaiser refused and said that he will to sort out the situation meaning that he might have wanted to prevent the war. This means that a misunderstanding between the head of states might have in part caused the war. Germany was under huge amount of pressure. They had to answer Austro-Hungary’s request imperatively. It is very strange that they actually did answer it and did not try to delay it because Kaiser Wilhelm II was a sovereign, which was involved in all of Germany’s decision so Bethmann-Hollweg knew he would be furious. This surely shows that Germany might not have fully controlled the situation and was confronted to some extent at a series of unintended consequences during this crisis but it should still be blamed because it is in part because the government did not communicate correctly that the war was