Fist Day Research Paper

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There diary

There diary
My fist day of diary. Today I begun at new school. I don’t have many friends. I 15 year old. I live with my mon and my sister, my dream is to play on a pro basketball team. On play free time I’m play alone. But on my new school. I have someone to play with. He name is john. He love to play basketball. End off school day we stall play basketball after school. I come back home my mom all way not home after my school is end. I home with my sister but my mom make dinner for we before she go out.
There diary
To day I’m have new friend. John he have a friend who like too play basketball. She name is Anna. Anna and John there play at same team as there play from there are 8 year old. Anna and John there a super kind to me. I and John a in the same class but Anna are on different class. But how every we have the same free time. After school is done. Anna and John need to go to basketball game. I walk home and a drunk man come to me asking me if I’m want a drink. I need to say no. …show more content…

On class to day we make pizza. We get to eat them. John he make me to drink a tomato sauce. But I get one of he pizza. Every day I got fight all day. Teacher don’t do anything about it. I’m just seen my mom name on my books. My book is super old. The school is super poor. A lot off class met have no hope my teachers said it. On my way home I see a lot off people just drinking all of the time. Sometimes I’m see someone have no home to. All of them have give up there

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