Flattery And The Nun's Priest In The Canterbury Tales

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Every story in the Canterbury Tales has a moral message, or messages, behind them. One character in the Canterbury tales is the Nun’s Priest. He tells a story about a rooster named Chanticleer, a hen named Pertelote, and a fox. However this is not the only topic of the story. There are deeper messages than what is literally being said. Two morals are given in this story; beware of flattery and of one’s pride, and take only what you need or what belongs to you. Flattery is defined as, excessive and insincere praise, especially that given to further one's own interests. This means that someone uses flattery as a way to deceive someone in order to receive some personal gain. In the tale, the fox uses flattery to trick Chanticleer, this way the fox could take him and eat him. The fox tells Chanticleer: …show more content…

/ As any angel has that is in heaven; / That had Boece, or any that can sing.” (4480-4484) He is flattering Chanticleer by telling him what a lovely voice he has. Chanticleer falls for this trick; at this point the fox grabs Chanticleer, by the throat and runs into the woods. Chanticleer should have been more cautious and seen through the deceit. A deep pleasure or satisfaction coming from one's own achievements, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired is pride. Pride can be a positive thing to an extent, but there is a line that if crossed, pride becomes an undesirable trait. Chanticleer tricks the fox in order to escape by stating: “...Sir, if I were as ye, / Yet would I say, (as wise God helpė me): / ‘Turneth again, you proudė churlės all. / A very pestilence upon you fall. / Now am I come unto the woodė’s side, / Maugre your head, the cock shall here abide. / I will eat