Flipped School Timeline Research Paper

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PHYZOK FLIPPED: Translating a Learning Model into an Experience


The Flipped Classroom timeline is fairly short and we can instead look at a snapshot from 2011: Clintondale High School, Michigan became the first school to flip every classroom. The school was in the state's bottom 5% at that point.

When teachers first used a flipped model in the 9th grade,
English: Failure rate dropped from 52 percent to 19 percent
Math: from 44 percent to 13 percent
Science: from 41 percent to 19 percent
Social Studies: from 28 percent to 9 percent.

After 2011, the now-flipped school's
Failure rate dropped from 30 to 10 percent.
Graduation rates soared above 90 percent.
College attendance went from 63 percent in 2010 to 80 percent …show more content…

The typical per-student cost for the current edition of Phyzok Flipped is 300 ₹ or 5$ a month. However, purchasing power has for long not been the missing link here. Operational costs are much higher for institutions not in the vicinity of patches of good infrastructure.

However, technology does not need to be synonymous with streaming content, or with content which comes only in tablets. The education content and technology industry have been guilty of overemphasizing the role of transmission channels for content. This is a prominent gap in the usual understanding of what constitutes a complete classroom model: Flipped Classrooms only segment the activities, the activities themselves still do play a much bigger role.

We ditched the internet for transmitting content. And reduced operational costs for all stakeholders involved in …show more content…

All teacher-learner relationships quoted everywhere have one thing in common: learning involved a relationship. Unorganized resource-sharing often breaks down a lot of initial attempts by teachers to flip their classrooms due to this reason. Using generic resources in text is much less noticeably bad than in visuals.

Phyzok Flipped is an experience - it is comprehensive as much as it is engaging because the same content team produces the all initial frameworks. This is an approach opposite to the top-down way of creating products and services in education. This way , instead of competing for the time of a busy student, you create services which match the needs of truly personalized learning. Services in a sector as dynamic and misunderstood as education need this link to stay relevant and competitive. This is why at Phyzok we still take Saturday physics classes!

It might be argued that a lot of the teacher-student link is lost in flipped classrooms. While combining the flipped classroom approach with content, we had the opportunity to take care of that once and for all. Students were given material recorded by their teachers. Adding a few layers of interactivity made these videos a natural part of education from a student’s perspective. And we note again that learning has always been associated with a relationship with an