Fly Archetypes

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Name: Nisha Ghayalod Drawer/Group #: G2
PS ID #: 1257853 Three digit mutant code: 651
BIOL 3311 Fall 2016 Lab Section: 5-digit number 19524
Date: 11 September 2016 TA Instructor Name: Rintu Thomas

Description of Unknown Mutant Allele Phenotype Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies) are organisms that contain multiple types of mutations. A few examples of these mutations involve eye color, wing formation, body size and body color. When comparing the wild type version of D. melanogaster to mutant D. melanogaster with unknown code 651, it was shown that the mutant contained a mutation in the bristles located on the fly’s thorax and head. These mutated flies have short and curly bristles (Figure 1, A arrows) compared to their wild type counterparts which have long and straight bristles (Figure 1, B arrows) in the same locations. This mutation has led us to …show more content…

This image correlates with short and curly bristle observations previously stated. Image B is the wild type fly and shows how bristles are typically straight and long. Buzzcut clearly differs in length and structure on the thorax and the head when compared to the Wild-Type side panel (Image B).

Literature Cited
1. Overton, 1967 The fine structure of developing bristles in wild type and mutant Drosophila melanogaster. J. Morph: 367--380
2. Lees and Waddington, 1942 The development of the bristles in normal and some mutant types of Drosophila melanogaster. Proc. R. Soc. B.: 87--110
3. Gallant, Shiio, et. al., 1996 Myc and Max homologs in Drosophila. Science: 1523--1527
4. Dickinson and Thatcher, 1997 Morphogenesis of denticles and hairs in Drosophila embryos: involvement of actin-associated proteins that also affect adult structures. Cell Motility Cytoskel.: 9--21
5. Duncan, Kiefel, et. al, 2010 Control of the spineless antennal enhancer: Direct repression of antennal target genes by Antennapedia. Dev. Biol.:

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