
Focusing Only On Sugar By Scheherazade Daneshkhu: Article Analysis

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In the article, “Focusing only on sugar is not answer to obesity say scientists” by the author, Scheherazade Daneshkhu, suggested about consuming sugar is not the major factor of obesity, and the author maintained that “ fat was responsible for a bigger contribution to weight gain in obese people than sugar ”. Some scientists say that obesity is not related to eating too much fat or insufficient amount of exercises, but obesity is related to eating too much sugar. In other words, the calories of sugar are not similar to other types of food, the sugar consists of huge amount of calories. In the 1970s, the US government declared that sugar is safe, and could not have the negative effect, for the sugar production company funded the scientists …show more content…

All types of fats consist of high fat but not similar calories - the fat of cheese is difference that of sugar, but both have the high level of fat. Originally concerned that the high-fat diet would increase weight and decrease life span, the researchers kept the calorie count of each diet the same (Davis, 2016). In the article, “ Eat fat, live longer?”, the author represents “the food contains the high-fat can be for good health and have the longevity” (Davis, 2016). To explain more, the author wants to expound there two types - good and bad fats. Secondly, in the article, “Focusing only on sugar is not answer to obesity say scientists”, the author says “People who are overweight eat more fat in their diet compared with those of normal weight” - which is the naivety of the author. After reading Davis’s article, I realized that the

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