Informative Speech On Sugar

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Intro It’s a sunny, warm day kids playing outside and healthy, well that was back then. It’s still warm and sunny but now, kids are inside glued to their electronics and not healthy. Why? What caused this? Can we fix it? What Really Happened In the article www. the researchers found that over 3 decades the sugar consumption has increased by 30% Why? There are many reasons why eating sugar has gone up like adding GMOs, sugars, preservatives, and even dyes. Also electronics have taken over children’s lives. On average kids aged 5 to 16 spend 6 and a half hours a day on electronics, stated Why did this epidemic affect children more than adults? There are several reasons why and one of them is commercials. Commercials …show more content…

A few are Maltodextrin, Xanthan Gum, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Glucose, Sucrose, Dextrose, Cane Sugar, Brown Sugar, Table sugar, and Sorghum Syrup,and many more. In addition to that, in a survey I did ___% couldn’t even name 5 different names for sugar. So this proves how we don’t know what we are eating and we don’t care about what it is. What Are The Effects Of Being Obese? Who really cares about being fat, I’ll get made fun of so what?! Well, there 's a lot more to it. For starters, you can have risks. Meaning diseases and higher risk of death. Which includes diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancers, and much more stated Did you know that back then there was one type of diabetes and you only got it when you were older. Now there are 2 types and kids are getting it. Also being obese can make you have anxiety and depression, according to For an example, a new Australian study found that people that are overweight are more anxious and depressed. This is not good because say you have a big test coming up and you 're overweight you may not care about it because you 're depressed. So you will then not to good on that test, and maybe that was the test that can affect your future. Now you can’t get into a collage. What will

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