Food During The Renaissance

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Food in the Renaissance vs Now The Renaissance was a period in the history of Northern Europe spanning from the 14th to the 17th centuries. Many outlooks of this culture changed during this time. Art was made, music was altered during this time, and food was. When thinking of food during the Renaissance, one would expect it to be the same as how we create and eat food today. Food was eaten., cooked, and even preserved depending on their class. There's a massive difference between how they ate during the Renaissance then how we eat today. Renaissance food, like the era, was elegant and cultured. Meals were prepared carefully. The rich, usually nobles or merchants, ate soups that were typically sweetened with sugar and contained many exotic spices that were very expensive. Soups were luxurious as they were costly due to the spices used to add color and flavor. Many of the spices that were used were brought to America by Christopher Columbus. As stated in the article, "Many of these spices, such as chili peppers, were brought from America by …show more content…

Even though forks were made, European continued to use their hands when eating. Class, peasants, nobles, and merchants separated food in the Renaissance. Peasants during the Renaissance were poor people and nobles. During the Renaissance, people ate and drank various foods and drinks. The food they ate was diverse because of the rich and the poor. The nobles or merchants ingested costly meat, and the peasants ate mush. Mush was made from grains, oats, or wheat and then boiled in water. "For meat and milk, people raised cows, goats, pigs, and sheep. They ate chickens, duck, and geese; hunted wild birds; and preserved pork by making ham and sausage so it could last all year round". (Dattler 1.) The drinks also varied if they were wealthy or poor because the rich drank beer, ale, or wine, and the poor drank unfiltered water. (Dattler