
Food Safety In Canada Essay

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The government of Canada is committed to make the food as safe as possible for the health of consumers, so Canada's food safety system is one of the most important world class. [1] The overall statement of values in Canada is to improve effective policies and strategies for making the high quality of life for Canadians by scientific and professional technics. [3] The beginning was from Canadian food and drugs act (FDA) which is responsible for the general process of food regulation. [2] The first passé of FDA was in 1920. [2] The FDA is an act that governs the production, import, export, and sale of food. [2] Under the authority of FDA, there is food directorate (FD) which is responsible for setting policies, establishing standards and providing advice and information about the safety of the food. …show more content…

[5] Moreover, there is an organization that is also under the authority of FDA called Canadian food inspection agency (CFIA). [2] CFIA is a science-based regulatory agency, and it is accountable for assessing the risks and applying all the health and safety standards. [2] Furthermore, CFIA was created for the purpose of combining a three separated federal governments departments which are agriculture and agri-food Canada, fisheries and oceans Canada and health Canada. [2] The result from its formation is the delivery of all federal such as food safety, animal health and plant health. [2] Also, CFIA is committed for non-health and safety regulation like food packaging, labeling and advertising. [2]In addition, from the responsibilities of CFIA, are protecting the consumers from unfair practices and preventing the transmission of animal diseases to humans. [4] The FDA in Canada categorizes consumed products to foods and natural health products (NHPs).

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