
Foot Golf: Gaining A Relationship With Customers

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Firstly, they can try to interact with customers on a regular basis and gain a relationship with them. Gaining a relationship with the customer will have many benefits on the business. For instance, when interacting with customers you will understand the needs and wants of that person, meaning that when you are promoting a facility like, the Foot Golf who regularly plays football, and give them advice on what sized football they should be using because of their age. This means that the employee has to demonstrate good knowledge of the business and the facilities it offers when trying to promote it to a specific customer. As a result, the customer retention will increase meaning that they are more likely to return to the business as long as they keep on getting invaluable advice. It could be useful for the business to gain some communication skills from a life coach who will in the …show more content…

Despite, the high costs of training employees it will eventually help them improve as an asset to the business and help get more players to become members.
One thing that will help improve customer service during interaction is by using their name, from previous meetings. For instance, in a private lesson that the business provides, it will allow the conversation more open meaning that the golfer has a higher chance of getting the best out of their lessons. As a result, this will make the message more personal and the customer will feel more appreciated if the business is able to remember their name, and they feel like the business recognises their presence. Furthermore, having an enthusiastic tone from the employee when speaking to new customers will mean that they are more likely to

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