For Me, Halloween By John Marlowe Chapter Summaries

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1. On Page 47, Auggie’s English teacher defines the word “precept” on the whiteboard. This definition suggests that precepts are rules about “really important things”. As opinions vary, he asks the class to brainstorm what these “really important things” could be. Unfortunately, the brainstorm covers nearly everything but what Mr Browne is looking for, so he says, “What kind of person are you? Isn’t that the most important thing of all?” To then lead him into his precept which is, “When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind,” meaning when you’re kind, people can help you to get it right, but when you are right and you’re mean, people can’t help nor will they want to be your friend. As this page is written in August’s point-of-view, to him, Mr Browne’s words could mean that although his face may not look right, he is kind and by “liking school no matter what” he will focus on making true friends by overpowering his wrong with kindness. This is telling us just the same; you can’t do anything unless you are someone, so make that person kind. 2. …show more content…

“For me, halloween is the best holiday in the world. It even beats Christmas. I get to dress up in a costume. I get to wear a mask…nobody notices me, nobody knows me.” On P73, August says this to the reader and himself. He means it is a time for him to blend in, feel normal and be able to interact with other people without the judgement he usually receives. I believe this is telling us to value the times attention is drawn to us for the good, as others are looked at for the