
Foreshadowing In 'Snow Globe And The Interlopers'

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In both "Snow Globe" by Timothy Brewer and "The Interlopers" by Saki, the authors use specific literary devices to create a tone of suspenseful irony throughout their stories. One such device used by both authors is foreshadowing. In "Snow Globe," Brewer uses foreshadowing when he writes, "I knew that something bad was going to happen; I just didn't know what or when." This foreshadowing creates a sense of suspense for the reader as they anticipate the impending doom that the narrator senses. Similarly, in "The Interlopers," Saki uses foreshadowing when he writes, "One of them, detached from the supporting group, paused and raised his weapon." This foreshadowing hints at the impending conflict between the two characters, building tension and
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