This case is about a forty five year old man named Colin. Colin has a five year-old son named Toby who lives with his ex-partner Patricia and her boyfriend Jon. Colin is desperately seeking work after losing his job through redundancy. As a result, Colin signed on for benefits and due to being out of work for 12 months was eligible for the government work programme. He left the programme resulting in losing his entitlement for his job seekers allowance and housing benefits.
Circumstance: Ms. Smalls (MHP), Mrs. Gailliard (MHS), Clarence and Ms. Elizabeth Strong (DSS Worker) schedule medical appointment with the MUSC Foster Care Clinic. Action: MHP called Tara Peevy, RN at the MUSC Foster Care Clinic after MHS explained leaving several messages. Ms. Strong explain emailing the referral form to the clinic. Machelle Green explain receieing the referral form, however unable to reach the DSS worker for additional infromaiton.
Brenda's foster mother is concerned about Brenda's physical safety and the safety of others around Brenda. Brenda has been aggressive towards her younger brother and has verbalized homicidal thoughts towards him. During the interview Brenda recalled a time where she choked her brother because she was angry that he was staring at her. Referral noted that Brenda threatened to kill herself by cutting her throat. Brenda's foster mother is concerned with Brenda putting herself in harms way when she runs away.
The reporting party (RP) stated foster children Gisselle and Perla Vasquez 's aunt Angela Sanchez came into the Sheriff 's Station and reported she gained custody of the children on 12/21/16. On 12/23/16 Perla disclosed she was inappropriately touched by foster mother Debbie Reynolds. The abuse allegation referral #1211-0745-8341-2072794 was generated on 12/25/16 and a complaint was generated on 12/27/16 (#32-CR-20161227135936). The RP stated the aunt disclosed the foster mother hit the foster children while in care. Consequently the RP interviewed the children and Gisselle disclosed the foster mother would slap the children on the arm or hand as a form of discipline.
Danielle Jackson Carlton - 5 English 11 1 March 2018 The Broken System we call Foster Care Yes foster care is an essential system used to provide loving homes to children, but unfortunately these systems have become broken and can no longer keep kids safe under their care. Everyday children are being placed in foster homes facing abuse, unloving parents, and even death. The system has only progressively gotten worse leaving behind children traumatized to a point where no amount of love or therapy can fix them.
In 1974 the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act was established (CAPTA). CAPTA "provides for federal development of prevention and assistance to states to enable the development of prevention and treatment programs for abuse and neglect"(Segal, 2015, p 301). Child Protective Services (CPS) was not fully enforce back in the day. The case of "Little Mary Ellen" led for there to be an act to protect child. They did not have a protect program established for children. "
CAPTA was originally established to improve the lives of children in the child welfare system. While it has taken strides to assist children who have been abused, neglected, and put through the foster care system, it still has its flaws. More specifically, due to some of the laws created by CAPTA it has shown negative effects among a couple of different populations. One of the initiated laws made by CAPTA was establishing mandated reporters among professionals who work with children.
A significant amount of children in today’s society belonging to the foster care system will never gain the knowledge of their full potential. This system can provide a better life for some children or be abusive and dangerous for others. Ashley Rhodes grew up in a child care system where she acquired a difficult childhood and a failing mother, however, she gained her success today while in the system. Being taken away from your biological family and placed the foster system is unfortunate for any child to say the least. There are, however, on occasion, positive aspects that arise from such circumstances.
Children in foster care are the nation 's children, and we all bear a collective responsibility to ensure their healthy development while in state care. We can and should do more to return these children to wholeness, but it will require everyone who touches the lives of children in foster care—friends, families, communities, caseworkers, courts, and policymakers—to claim shared responsibility for the quality of those lives. Reforming the child welfare system requires all of these actors to build bonds and create a strong web of support for these vulnerable children. Reform is not a destination —it is an ongoing process of organizational self-examination, evaluation of practice, careful public oversight, and vigilant attention to outcomes. The route to reform is clear.
Foster care system: State V.S. Federal level. Christine M. Michaels Laramie County Community College POLS 1000 100 American and Wyoming Government Dr. Lily Rowen May 1st, 2024. The foster care system in the United States is a complex system of state and federal regulations designed to protect children and provide them with safe and stable environments when their biological families are unable or unwilling to properly take care of the children. However, the division of authority between state and federal governments over the oversight of foster care has long been a topic of debate and contention.
Once the Department of Social Services has assumed custody of a child, placement of the child with a relative of fictive kin caregiver must first be explored unless it has been determined that this placement is not in the best interest of the child. Relative placements and fictive kin caregivers have the option to become a licensed foster care provider upon completion of the DSS licensed foster care licensing procedures. Children in foster care and licensed foster families when eligible receive financial supports such as; foster care board payments, quarterly clothing allowances, and allowances for non-routine school expenses, Medicaid, Supplemental Social Security if the child is eligible, child care, and child support payments to child if
Marcus is from Georgiana, Alabama, a small rural community with a population of 1,680 and a rate of 50.8 percent living below the poverty levels (U.S. Census Bureau, 2014). After being kicked-out of his home by his conservative Christian parents for coming out as gay, Marcus came to Mobile, Alabama. Marcus believes that his older sister may live in Atlanta, but is not sure and has no way to contact her. With a population of 194,675 and radius of 139.11 square miles, Mobile is the third largest city in Alabama (U.S. Census Bureau, 2014). There are a wide range of industries located in Mobile which includes aviation/aerospace, chemical, healthcare, IT/high-tech, logistics/distribution, maritime, oil & gas, steel, and foreign based companies (Industry
Foster care is not a perfect system. Many children that are put into the foster care system are separated from their siblings and put into harmful environments. These environments are supposed to be safe and give the child a chance at a better life. However, children living in group homes are not able to develop secure attachment to the people who are supposed to take care of them. Children bounce back and forth from house to house, family to family, causing them to live in an unstable environment through most (if not all of) their child hood.
Every year, more than 100,000 children in foster care are available for adoption according to Children’s Action Network. Foster care is a temporary living situation for children whose parents are unable, unwilling, or unfit to care for them. Minors whose need for care has come to the attention, are placed with a state certified caregiver which is arranged through the government or a social service agency. The primary goal of foster care is to reunite children with their parents. With the history and known statistics, this many children entering the system every year, finding the right care becomes increasingly difficult.
For instance emotional disturbance, specific learning disabilities and autism (Hill, 2009). When a social worker takes a child into custody that child has just became a child of the state or some would say basically their child and responsibility. That leaves the social worker taking that child to doctor appointments and make sure the child is in a foster home that is taking care of the child’s need. The funding for this policy comes from the federal government, state systems, and local systems (A legacy training module from NICHCY, 2014). Most children that are in the system are supplied with Medicaid, and sometimes receives a check from the government if they are physically disabled or