Foster Care Thesis

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Foster care youth age out of the system when they turn 18, and are now responsible for their own wellbeing. They must find their own homes, jobs, and health insurance etc. They face the challenges of adulthood alone and without the support systems that most young adults have. With little to no support as youth age out of the foster care system, they can find themselves facing poverty, homelessness, jail time. As youth age out of the foster system, they move into adulthood without connections or support. Many of the youth desire to further their education but no support, no health insurance, and no independent living skills. Imagine it’s your 18th birthday. You have been told that you have to move out of your house. You do not own anything, …show more content…

Moreover, I asked a former foster youth and current foster youth about their education. I asked them, “Do you or did you ever want to pursue a higher education? If so, did you know there are some programs out here that will help your funding for school?” The former foster youth is now 21 years old and wish someone would have encouraged him to go to school. His always wanted to go to school for engineering. He wished someone would have helped him get into school. He expressed, “when I was in foster care my mom never asked or encouraged me to go to school. But, I’ve always asked her and she tells me not to focus on that right now you are only in 9th grade. As of today, I’m working for Kroger as a bagger and just wish that I had someone to fall back on for support because it’s hard out here in the real world”. Similarly, I had a 16 year old current foster youth to express the need for more support with education other than her foster mom. She said, “My foster mom is a much older lady and does not know much about how the generation is today. She does not know how the technology really work in society today. As of today I really wish there was someone who could help both me and my mom. When I graduate from high school I want to go to college to be a school teacher. In order for me to go to college I must know the direction to go. I wish that I had more support to further my education. With that being said, my program will be dedicated to the foster youth education. My program …show more content…

Additionally, I interviewed a current case worker who works at The Department of Family and Children Services. I asked her, are you informing foster care children about the different programs that are available after care? And do you have former or current foster children contact you with emergencies? Regarding health care, education, housing etc.? She expressed that they are some former foster youth that contacts her on a regular basis regarding their health and education. She said, “I have had many youth contact me asking for financial help for medication that they need. I don’t want to be mean and not help. So therefore, I buy the youth prescription for them. I have also heled the youth with trying to find affordable health insurance, jobs and with furthering their education. Honestly, I believe these youth need more support because I can’t do it all. I’m a case worker and I have lots of work to focus on and also family at home as well. I just can’t do it all!” With being said, my program will help each youth find the education that they need to make their lives better and