The Aztecs believed that the universe was comprised of multiple layers. The bottom or lowest layer was known as the underworld, nevertheless, the top two layers had belonged to the Gods of creation. In between was known as Earth, where it was believed that the forces of heaven and the underworld came together at the temple of Tenochtitlan. Consequently, the Aztecs had believed that the underworld was made up of four paradises. The Eastern part was reserved for the souls of warriors which were killed in battle and for the sacrificial victims. In addition, the souls would often rest for four years, then would return to Earth as hummingbirds or peacocks. The Western paradise was for women who had died in childbirth. The Southern paradise was for those who had died from lightning strikes or sickness. The Northern paradise was for everyone else and it took four years to reach. Therefore, in order for civilians to reach this point, the deceased would be buried in a squatting position with life’s essentials. …show more content…
It is said to have been 23 horizontal planes, 13 above the Earth and 9 in the underworld. Life was believed to have been created by the Lord and Lady of Duality. Moreover, the couple had four sons, although two of them were called Quetzalcoatl and Huitzilopochtli, who created the Gods, heavens, waters, deities, and the entire Earth.
The Aztec people worshipped over one thousand different gods. Moreover, the Aztecs believed that the sun would fight darkness every night and rose to save mankind. The Aztecs believed that the Earth was flat and there were thirteen heavens and nine hells.
The Aztecs also believed that the Gods controlled all aspects of life, from the birth of a baby till the death of a person. Moreover, this lead to the Aztecs having to please the