Four Stages Of The Maturational Theory Of Cognitive Development

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Theory of Cognitive Development The cognitive theory of development is the human intelligence enhancement of an individual throughout their life-span. There are four stages that are involved in the intellectual development of an individual during his or her life. Complexity and abstraction are evident with increase throughout the cognitive development theory of any normal person. The four stages of the cognitive development theory comprise of sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages. First and foremost, the initial phase being the sensorimotor stage, it entitles a duration from when one is born to the time he or she acquires language knowledge. The phase ranges as from zero to two years from birth time. …show more content…

Three main assumptions exist in the maturational theory including biological development basis, alternating between good and bad years, and personality development correlated with body types. During the mid-1900s, maturational theory firmly affected learning. Not until the children attain a mental age ranging from six and a half years they were thought not to be ripe for evaluations. Effectively, for the children who were not ready for reading, preparedness activities were also enhanced for them to get ready. Unfortunately, such nonsense currently happens in some of our kindergarten, preschools, and probably primary-level classrooms. Late birthday is a recent phenomenon with unintentional consequence regarding maturational theory. For example, in the school, the youngest children possess late birthday as the teachers often brand them as slower and having incapability of readiness to instructions (Handsfield, Palincsar, & Teachers College Press, 2016). Theory of literacy During 1979 Holdaway advanced the theory to which it highlights that learning how to read existed as a natural development, and it is linked closely with the child’s oral language skills that develop naturally. Theory literacy further contends that construction of literacy starts in the homes of children where it is the relevant experience of learning (Larson, & Marsh, 2014). Four components emerge the key aspects of literary theory. They include:- Observation: - it states that children are in need of an opportunity of observing people under literacy behaviors. For instance, the children’s family members including relatives read for the