Francis And Clare Saints Of Assisi Analysis

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The biography, Francis And Clare, Saints of Assisi, by Helen Walker Homan, presents a captivating story of the incomparable joys found in following in the footsteps of Christ. Francis Bernardone, as a worldly and foolish youth, desires only to become a wealthy knight esteemed for excellence in battle. Consequently, he joins the Assisian army; yet because of his untamed eagerness he becomes a prisoner of the enemy. Following his release, Francis suffers a prolonged illness which causes him to sincerely contemplate his wayward life and begin searching for the source of true happiness. Realizing he must strive to follow in the way of Christ, he relinquishes all he owns and dedicates his life to serving the poor and sick. Francis establishes …show more content…

On one occasion, Francis pays a visit to those most despised by the people of Assisi, the lepers. Not only does he gladly embrace them and bathe their sores, but he also begs bread which he eats with them, despite their lamentable physical condition. Later, while Francis is walking through Assisi, he witnesses an elderly man working strenuously to build a wall. Feeling immediate pity, Francis removes his doublet, robes, and finery, and unhesitatingly helps the man set stones in the wall. Concerned also for the spiritual welfare of all people, Francis preaches throughout Italy, sharing with those who listen the secret of true happiness found only in Jesus Christ. One of Francis' greatest acts of love involves the young Lady Clare and her new way of life. The Lady needs assistance escaping the dwelling of her noble family, as well as encouragement and guidance in establishing her order. Both of these needs are generously filled by Francis, who also selflessly helps Clare to maintain her convent. Together, the holy men and women of these two orders courageously serve God and the poor. As Francis gives eagerly of himself to fill the needs of others, his joyful and Godly heart is