Frankenstein As A Monster In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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In this world, we’ve been raised with things that have become needs in our life’s like love, companionship and a family. When people lack these things, it can cause them to feel the sensations of loneliness and may lead to life and can cause them to become reckless, destructive. Frankenstein should create a companion for the creature he brought to life because he like any other human should be able to feel as if he fits in with someone and it’ll cause less chaos. To begin Frankenstein created a creature whom he left alone in a world where everyone looks a certain way but the creature does look like the rest of them. He should have someone who he feels safe and secure with. He shouldn’t be afraid to walk out somewhere because people fear the way he looks. If he has a companion hell learn to love that person not only that person but himself too. Self-love is something important in life. It’s something that takes time and positivity but with everyone turning against you it can be hard to accept yourself because you start to believe what other people see and you start to see yourself as other people see you. In the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley everyone saw the creature as a monster and taught he was evil when in the beginning he was just trying to figure things out and make friends because he was …show more content…

The monster was not only hurting himself mentally but was also hurting people physically because he had the desire to feel wanted. The creature has come to the point where he started to murder people. People who were valuable to Frankenstein because he felt as if he needed to get revenge back on his creator for leaving him alone. Loneliness can come to lead someone to do thing that they’ll end up repeating over and over because for a moment it makes them feel better and things like this can become addictive. If Frankenstein does create a companion for his monster thing can get out of