Frankenstein Creative Writing

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The grand solarium-like room echoes with the smooth, delicate sound of one elegant puppeteer. All gather around this orator but for a lone boy who sits in the semi-darkened shadows at the back of the dimly lit room, a ‘weird’ sight. The boy slumps in his tattered chair, blankly observing the light blue sliver of sky through the polished windows.
The speaker announces, “This is our new student, James,” sharply pointing at the newcomer by the over-sized, battered wooden door. The new boy provides a pasted smile as his wondering gaze converges towards the teacher. As if the puppeteer is moving their strings, the class instinctively returns to their allocated seats, filling the room with a hiss of chatter. With a visible swallow, James scans …show more content…

He checks the room for movement but heads still fixate on their sheets. His eyes scrutinize the isolated reading station, but then are drawn back to this curious creature and its world. The new boy bends his body, scanning the cracks inside the creature’s sealed cell. The awkwardly opened bright blue eyes of the boy gleam back at him. James effortlessly slides his chair backwards and slithers under his desk. From the world below, the table’s legs filter the piercing onlookers’ glances. James’ jaw drops. The legs of students clunk together in unison like a marching band. The glow from the sun shines in front of his desk from the skylight above. As the new student’s vision wanders further through the confined yet elaborate space, he notices all the strangers can be seen from this location, as well as the radiant white of the front board. As a beacon at the centre, the teacher stands directing students whilst the marker squeals along the board. The taps and thumps of class members nearby are softened in this underground world. James swiftly exchanges a knowing glance with the boy as he savours the ever-growing view from this new domain.
The scenic view finally ends as he hesitantly emerges to the widespread chatter and chaos above. James silently laughs, slipping into his seat. He again glances back at the boy, observing his eyes vertically shift directly at him. James’ smile revisits his face.
The bells calmingly sing throughout the classroom as the sounds of banter intensify. The word ‘James’ echoes several times above the multiplying noises, summoning him to the front of the classroom.
“Be back by one o’clock,” the teacher