A sad day for the family of a young woman named Wykesha Reid, evidence conducted from an ongoing investigation lead to her death from butt-injections. The suspect being charged with the Homicide of
Mykesha are Jimmy Clarke and Denise Rochelle. The two suspect operate a business which provide eyelash extensions to the public. Nevertheless, up until the death of Wykesh Reid it seems their business have been performing butt-injections on the Black Market. Upon questioning Jimmy Clarke a transgender woman told detectives that. Ms. Reid had visited their shop the day before making complaints of her not feeling well. In response to that Jimmy Clarke stated as a result of Wykesha feeling sick or ill he /she decided to allow her to spend the night. The next morning when Jimmy arrived he witnessed her dead on the floor with no knowledge of how she ended up incapacitated on the floor of their alleged business. See the photos of Denise Rochelle Ross, left, and Jimmy Joe Clarke.
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The eye-witness pointed Jimmy Clarke out in a line-up and also told the detectives that the truck that she saw Clarke in was driving erratically. Ross and Clarke are denying having any knowledge as to why Wykesha died, although al the facts of guilt point directly to the two being involved and solely responsible for the young woman dying,
The autopsy of Wykesha’s body portray injection marks on the buttocks and butt-injection substances. Adding insult to injury the autopsy also confirmed that the injection marks were closed ith the use of a common household super glue.
. The authorities also claim that when they searched the eyelash extension business the entire shop was cleaned and had no sign of day-to-day business activity. The Police are leaning toward the