Free For All In The Digital Age

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The Free for All in the Digital Age With the rise of the internet, the way companies market to consumers and the way we shop has changed dramatically due to key players making an impact in the advertising and the online retail market. Amazon changed how we shop, Facebook changed how we interact with each other, Google changed how we see online advertisements, and Apple set the standard of how we get onto the internet. However, even though one company today dominants a certain area of the digital playing field, will someday one of them dominate the entire advertising and internet retail market?
External Analysis:
• Americans spend 26% of their media time online, yet advertisers spend 20% of their media budget online
• Americans spend greater …show more content…

However, it may be up to 15% if we counted any transactions that may have touched the internet at any point.
• People shop more at general merchants instead of specialty merchants
Internal Analysis:
• Google dominates search capability and advertising network
• Google purchased DoubleClick, the dominant online ad-serving platform and purchased Admob the dominant server of ads for mobile devices.
• Google has the most unique visitors at 175,000
• Facebook has the second highest most unique visitors at 153,00, but with the highest time person at six minutes and forty-one seconds.
• Facebook dominates social capability
• Apple doesn’t dominate anything
• Amazon dominates retail capability
• Amazon launched an advertising network called AdWeek, which some call “advertising’s sleeping giant”
• Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google don’t dominate in the television, smartphone or payment-system capabilities, but have products