Free-Range Parenting Approach

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Better Personalities Obtained From Free-Range Parenting Approach The free-range parenting approach effectively paves a way for children to build up better personalities than the helicopter parenting approach, because children will learn to become independent, take control of feelings and develop curiosity under absolute freedom. Although people may argue that it is dangerous to let children play without supervision, the statistic data proves that it is actually safer for children. First of all, children will learn to manage their time wisely without parents’ guidance. Take me as an example, my mother sent me to Singapore to study aboard alone for the whole summer when I was eleven. I was living with a host family without parents’ company. At the beginning, it was tough for me since I had never left my family for such a long time, and I did not know what to do. However, after accepting the reality, I started to manage my life, including school, homework, meals and games. It was a precious experience for me, and I gained a lot of self-living strategies from it. As a result, when I came to the United States for my high school and university, I found out that I was able to easily balance my schoolwork and …show more content…

Clemens Wergin points out (2015)that “Germany is generally much more accepting of letting children take some risks”. For example, Wergin would let her daughter to seek the neighborhood alone. Children have various opportunities to meet new friends, deal with possible conflicts and explore adventures when they go outside. However, like children who have to stay at home, Felix Carroll states (2008) that over protection “threatens their ability late in life to strike off on their own and form healthy relationships and proper job skills ”. Helicopter’s children do not have the chance to satisfy their curiosities, and even worse, they do not have