
Freedom In The Civil War Essay

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The concept of freedom is the sole purpose The United States was created. Freedom is something that our military constantly fights for and will continue to fight for.The United States had split into two in the early 1860’s to the mid 1860’s. The United States split because the South thought it was okay to take away a races freedom, whereas the North did not think it was okay to take away a races freedom. The Civil War showed how people want certain things for themselves but are willing to take it way from someone to get what they want, how slavery is a ironic idea in The United States, and how these ideals split the nation in two.
During the Civil War there were tons of acts of people taking rights from others for their own selfish gains. These times were tough for African Americans …show more content…

The United States should have never split in two if the south would have just taken into account hoe no one has the right to steal someone else's freedom just because their skin color, shape, size, and gender. The North had very strict ideals on slavery because of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was a good man who had great morals and wanted people to all be treated fairly so he set up a party to try to get rid of slavery. In the article “The American Civil War: A North-South Divide” by Tim Stanley who states “Abraham Lincoln’s Republican Party was a free labour movement – rabidly so. Northern popular culture depicted Southerners as decadent, un-Christian sponges. Lincoln’s election in 1860 put government in the hands of the man most identified with anti-Dixie prejudice.” This shows that Lincoln was a huge part in the releasement of slaves during the civil war. The South on the other hand took this in an offensive way and tried to fight back even harder. Freedom was eventually given back to the African Americans rightfully so but women no matter what their skin color was still had a tough time have certain

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