
French Lore Research Paper

2388 Words10 Pages

Blake Gauna
2 pd. Pre-Ap English II
Mrs. Kaul
17 May 2018
French Lore Research Paper Outline
Do people ever wonder where popular fairy tales like Cinderella or Tinkerbell have come from? Well, Beauty and The Beast originated from France! Legends, Myths, and Fairy Tales are all unique in their very own ways. A legend is a traditional story that is based off a real life person or event, while myths and fairy tales aren’t. Myths are revolved around religion or beliefs, while legends and fairy tales do not include this type of information. A fairy tale is like a childhood story that includes magic in some type of way, while myths and legends do not include any type of magical elements. French Folklore is a type of folklore that encompasses the …show more content…

The category of folklore that France is most highly saturated in are fairy tales. Some of the most popular French fairy tales include Beauty and The Beast, Le Petit Chaperon Rouge, and Cendrillon. Folklore in the middle ages was a huge aspect for the French people. In the middle ages, there was a type a literature called Occitan Literature, which were songs, poetry, and literature that originated around the 11th century. The reason this is so important to modern France is because Occitan was modern southern France. As the old stories and songs were passed on from generation to generation, they started to gain more popularity over the years making French Folklores what they are today.
Oral tradition and folklore in history is very significant because the French history is mostly shaped around the many popular stories that have been passed down from generations upon generations. This means that the stories told in the modern world are more than likely different than the way they were told several generations ago. Oral tradition and folklore has changed drastically throughout the generations of stories that have been told. As traditional folklore has changed throughout history, it …show more content…

The myth was written by Berthe Amoss, a famous author born on September 26, 1925. Loup Garou is a myth about a human who turns into a wolf at their own will. When a person comes into contact with a Loup Garou and sheds the blood of the beast, the Loup Garou will then changed to its human form and reveal their secret. The victim then becomes a Loup Garou for one hundred and one days. If the victim speak of the encounter to anyone, they become a Loup garou themselves. But if they remain quiet about it, they will return to their human form and continue on with their lives. The Loup Garou is said to be someone the victim knows. This myth reflects the French Culture because the story of Loup Garou talks about people who can transform into a werewolf at any time they choose. However, to be safe from Loup Garou, a person must follow important rules. These rules were passed down from culture to culture, and the French culture must follow them. In France, égalité (equality) is one example of an important value in the French culture. The Loup Garou makes sure everyone believes in the same things and make sure everyone follows the same rules. If someone breaks this equality, then they are turned into the Loup Garou for 101 days. According to the information that Berthe Amoss wrote, she verifies that this was a true series of events and that Loup Garou was real in the 19th century. The oral tradition of the French culture

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